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A Study Of Consecutive Interpreting At Business Conference From The Perspective Of The Skopos Theory

Posted on:2017-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y KouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330503976264Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of the Chinese economy in an increasingly globalized world, consecutive Interpreting is ever more significant in business negotiation, academic conferences, etc. Chinese enterprises need to conduct business negotiations with western enterprises or foreign-funded enterprises in China under the “Going Global” strategy. In order to achieve high efficiency at business conferences, the interpreter must develop better bilingual skills and acquire broader wealth of knowledge. Only this way, the interpreter can adjust to different ways of thinking stemming from diversified professional and cultural backgrounds after hearing the source language and then interpreting it to the target language properly,thus facilitating in-depth cooperation and achieving win-win results for all parties.Having Skopos Theory as the theoretical support, the author researches the possibilities and analyzes the procedures of applying the said theory to consecutive Interpreting at business conferences. The interpreters cannot meet the negotiating requirements from all parties unless they skillfully master and utilize the Skopos Theory in its true sense, thus realizing the intentions behind negotiation and purposes of all parties.In light of these considerations, the author tries to lucubrate on the significance of Skopos Theory by means of Questionnaire and Case Studies. Through the evaluation and analysis of real consecutive interpreting in business negotiations, this thesis aims at helping the interpreters collate the background knowledge of industry,fully understand the requirements and purposes of all participants before a business conference and understand key purposes in a business negotiation. Additionally, the interpreter must handle delicate negotiations with great tact to avoid misunderstandings, making the business conference a success.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Skopos Theory, Business Conference, Consecutive Interpreting
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