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The Translation Of BBC Economic News Under The Guidance Of The Translation Variation Theory

Posted on:2017-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ZhaiFull Text:PDF
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With rapid development of economic globalization, economic communication becomes more frequent than ever before. Since the reform and opening up, Chinese economy has continued to develop. Facts have proved that China can not develop in isolation from the world. As one of the main tools of spreading economic information,economic news has become an important approach for China to learn from others then improve itself, so the translation of foreign economic news has become more and more important.From reading relevant articles, the writer has summarized five features of the economic news: more specific terms, more specific figures, more direct speeches, more comparisons and more connections with other news and used specific examples to illustrate these features.The translation variation theory is an emerging Chinese translation theory. The translation variation theory was arisen by Huang Zhonglian. The translation variation theory broke the phenomenon that more than 20 years Chinese translation circle depended on the foreign translation theories. The translation variation is different from the complete translation. The translation variation is an activity to translate the related content through seven devices: addition, deletion, editing, narration, condensation,combination, and adaptation according to the special needs of readers in a special condition.This report chose BBC news as the translation materials.The writer used seven devices: addition, deletion, editing, narration, condensation, combination, and adaptation to translate these materials. In other words, these materials were translated under the guidance of the translation variation theory.The report has shown the translation variation theory could guide the translation of economic news and meet the special needs of different readers. The writer hopes this report can help other translators translate the economic news better.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation variation theory, economic news, variation device
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