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The Change Of History And Culture In Pingzhai Village Machang Town In Guian New District

Posted on:2017-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330503463166Subject:History of Chinese Ethnic Minorities
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research on change of history and culture has a strong sense of contemporary. History is a vertical developing process, as a core part of historical change, cultural change focus on discussing the structural, modal, intensional and some aspects of changes in original cultural.This paper attempts to discuss the change of history and culture in Pingzhai village Machang town in Guian new district by combining the synchronic and diachronic perspectives. And makes a research on Buyi family histories, the main livelihood--rice custom, village regulations and house rules, folk culture that includes festivals, wedding and funeral by using the multidisciplinary methods of ethnology, history, archaeology. Aim at exploring the village community and secondary ethnic groups’ culture that gradually formed in the change process in Pingzhai village,and recording the historical culture in this ethnic group.The first chapter mainly discusses the change of families in Pingzhai village. According to the genealogy and family members’ memory to review the family history. From Ming Wanli to the Qing Qianlong period, the families moved in and started the history of the stockades in Pingzhai village. With the moving of the families, agricultural economy was promoted, that made the lines becoming increasingly blurred between village and families. Based on this level to explore the Buyi Pingzhai village compromise family are immigrants from a single family, built and inhabited village to name all the family moved from the beginning has been to develop a smooth transition characteristics and causes.The second chapter explores the change of Buyi Pingzhai village’s Means of livelihood. Taking rice cultivation as the main means of livelihood of the Buyi Pingzhai village, to adapt the needs of agricultural production of rice, according to the change of natural geographical conditions and humane historical conditions, they have duly improved the rice agriculture appliance, and analyzing its sources, causes and impacts by borrowing cultural factors analysis, designed to outline the historical context of PingZhai’s agriculture; textile and duck breeding reflect the change of their livelihood ways from an sideline economic point of handicrafts and breeding. After the reform and opening, especial the establishment of Guian new district, not only letting the status of main rice farming livelihood declined, but also increasing the varieties of livelihood sources.The third chapter focuses on the institutional Pingzhai village’s cultural change. Pingzhai village administrative divisions in the region under the condition of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China has undergone several changes, from historical and national levels to analyze these two causes; after political intervention, walled old village in the effectiveness and the family is becoming weakening; rebuilt in the 1980 s after the wind of the family tree, showing a modern conception with traditional cultural profile family at home,training and rules or regulations in coexistence.The fourth chapter in the festival, marriage, funeral as the representative to discuss folk culture change. Changes in these instruments emerged gradually simplified the process by modern economic concepts influenced the trend, while traditional folk, it also joined the many other ethnic and cultural factors, such as the Hmong and spend "April 8" funeral "Xi YinYangJia Yan" and monks and priests to preside at the funeral scene in harmony with the person’s identity Mount division co-occurrence.The fifth chapter focuses on the interpersonal Pingzhai Buyi Village, Walled communication and interaction within the family, inter-ethnic and individual three levels. This section is intended to explore eight stockades gradually formed a village community through interaction, and gradually form a secondary ethnologic culture on this basis: that is, under conditions of inter-ethnic balance,family differences are significant, individual status within the family is becoming prominent and interaction of Han Miao culture to absorb a large number of elements in a variety of factors and the role of indigenous, Tusi and Tunjun and other historical interaction. Although this secondary ethnologic culture has generated,but with the social changes will add new elements, but it is also instable.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pingzhai village, Buyi, Historical culture, Change, the Secondary Ethnologic Culture
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