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Research On The Moderate Design Of Mobile Social Applications

Posted on:2017-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y LiuFull Text:PDF
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Moderation means, "to grasp the sense of propriety, be just perfect". The goal of mobile social networking is to achieve information and interpersonal communication more conveniently, fast, efficiently. The research of "degree" has been carried out and applied in theory, philosophy, design and other fields. The virtual social dependence problem is increasingly serious. As university students are the multiple populations of this social problem, as well as the main audience of virtual social applications, to explore the appropriate virtual social health are particularly important. This article research the use of mobile social networking, virtual social dependency and the development status of mobile social applications, trying to get access to moderate design principle of Mobile social networking applications of characteristics and common methods, and the practice carried out to verify the theory.This paper summarizes and explains the related theories on university students’ social psychology and the virtual social dependence, combining it with the development design and features of mobile social networking applications. This paper suggests that we should enhance social self-efficacy of virtual social networking, based on the "use and gratifications" theory, to meet the needs of virtual social dependent university students, and to balance the virtual social and realistic social. Then deals with the definition of moderation, put forward connotation and characteristics of the three aspects, analyses the demand and behavior characteristics of college students in mobile social networking, and how to achieve the moderate design to meet the needs of university students. Theoretical reference is presented in this paper, on the basis of the theoretical study of the selected design classic case study, the method of the advanced design case for analysis.According to the survey results, it is concluded that the appropriate design principles should be used for mobile social design. Combined with the various aspects of the mobile social user experience elements, the appropriate design principles are refined to the various aspects of social experience. In order to make university students in the use of mobile social applications to obtain a higher degree of satisfaction, summarize the appropriate design principles and specific design strategies based on the mobile social scene, reduce the adverse effects because of the use of social applications,Finally this article will select design practice to explore university students’ social networking design demand, and aim to build moderate design model which can enhance information, further with theoretical research. This article is order to reach university students communicating with mobile social networking based on modern information product of interaction design new demand, proposed the concept of moderation and builds its research framework, the case study shows that it is potential for interaction design, guide the design of mobile social.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mobile Social, Dependency Syndrome, University Students, Moderate Design, User Experience
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