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The Study Of Travel Journal In "Manchuria"

Posted on:2017-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330488955978Subject:Asian and African Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 1910, Korea colonised by Japaness imperialist, South Korea was subjugated. The hate of humiliate the country and forfeit its sovereignty promoted a lot of people with lofty ideas from Korea exiled to China and to carry out anti-Japan movement. At the same time, Japan enforced a series of land plunder policy like "land investigation undertaking". It made amounts of people who lost their land had left their hometown to Northeast of China(Manchuria area).During the period of colonised by Japaness emperialist, Manchuria became the biggest oversea emigration of Korean. The connection between Manchuria and Korea became more completely and closely, especially in politics, economy and culture. Then the large number of Korean scholars and writers left their travel works through immigration, study and traveling in the Manchuria and. According to incomplete statistics, Korean scholars and writers left more than 1000 works.Travel is one of the cognitive style. The purpose of the travel finds the new scenery. However, it is not simple to "see", but it is also observe the cognitive process of the "in my view". Therefore, the ultimate purpose of the trip is to "see me". Korean scholars and writers" experience of Manchuria is obtained from the transfer of space about "the other" culture experience. It is also through the exchange with the culture of "the other", and the culture of theirown experience. It is a mutual cognition of cross-cultural experience we called it " reciprocal cognition".Therefore, the "Manchuria" travel journals can be investigated as the Korea scholars and writers of colonial North Korea" s self reflection and understanding of the situation of China and Northeast. Starting from the awareness of this issue, with the Japanese imperialist occupation period North Koreans "Manchuria" travels as the research object, using post-literature sociology, colonial literary theory, comparative literature image science research methods, this paper tries to clarify the Korean scholars, and the writers of "Manchuria" understanding, imagination of the nation state, and modern imagination.First of all, in the second chapter, and expounds the "Manchuria" to "Manchuria" image works. The "Manchu" image is divided to four types: natural landscape, rural and urban, the "Manchu people", from the perspective of comparative literature Imagology analysis the connotation and denotation of "Manchuria" image, clarify how Korean scholars and writers treat the North Koreans living in the "Manchuria", "Manchuria" developed areas of urban civilization and the "Manchuria" area as the Korean Anti Japanese independence movement scene.Then, based on the analysis of the image of Manchuria in the third chapter, the author explains the understanding of the "Manchuria" of the Korean scholars and writers. In generalizing, Korean scholars, writers found and confirmed the value and significance of the "Manchuria" as Korean immigrants" colony, "Manchuria" area as the historical significance of the main battlefield of Anti-Japan independent movement, "Manchuria" as a colonial urbanization "model" value. In other words, the travel journals of Manchuria reflect the present situation and their expectation of the future development.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Manchuria", Travels, Immigration, Anti-Japan and independent movement, Urbanization
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