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A Study Of The Formation And Development Of The Modern Japanese Right Wing

Posted on:2017-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330488953308Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Japan’s right-wing force is born under the influence of emperor authoritarian centralize and authoritarian country situation. Its support the absolute sovereignty of the emperor, his proposition of "imperial reign supreme", at the same time promote Japan’s big ideas and big Asian imperialist rule thought, based on, with the help of domestic strong war atmosphere, after the second industrial revolution developed strong economic strength and international influence of fascism, launched a war of aggression to east Asia, who try to dominate Asia, dominate the world political, economic, etc. The war not only caused serious damage to Asian people’s normal life, but also to face international political sanctions on Japan, high economic compensation and situation and backward countries have suffered trauma. However, after the Second World War, the United States and other powers from their own interests, to Japan’s militarism excessive indulgence. Japan’s national itself also take a laissez-faire attitude to weed out of the right wing, combined with the domestic large consortium forces still have expectations on the right, thus giving them a strong financial support. Making the right to resurrect, and found the development of fresh soil in Japan. In addition, after the war, due to sanctions, are subjected to affect the development of Japan, and dramatic changes in international environment, the influence of domestic public opinion and manipulation of the domestic new shoots the right personnel, the formation of new right-wing Japanese. Internally an authoritarian rule, advocated to change the constitution, the construction reactionary sentiment in arms, incite, external support "Taiwan independence" forces and the "two Chinas", making the Korean peninsula crisis, organize the anti-communist anti-china activities, etc., to East Asia, Southeast Asia countries, including China, north Korea, caused serious influence.In this paper, starting from the study of Japanese right-wing, the first chapter of the research background, research purpose, research methods, such as summarized, in this paper, we study the concrete conditions were determined and meaning; The second chapter clear formation and evolution of Japanese right wing. From its basic concept, the formation reasons and supporting theory, determine the Japanese right-wing being the main reason for the formation and development and support. The third chapter of Japanese right-wing summarizes the performance analysis in different periods. The fourth chapter is of the Japanese right wing development characteristics. Fifth chapter comb the right-wing group representatives and thoughts, further defined the Japanese right-wing on different characters of different performance, and to define the nature of Japan’s right-wing representative thought.
Keywords/Search Tags:Japan’s right-wing, Formation, Evolution, Characteristic
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