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The Research Of Image Narrative Of Jin Renshun’s Novel

Posted on:2017-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330485964146Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jin Renshun is a women writer who grasps the poetic writing in Chinese contemporary literary world. Her novels are good at using image to convey emotions and thought, render atmosphere and combine image and narration ingeniously to form the image narrative mode. Jin Renshun have deeply creative brush strokes and unique national characteristics of the aesthetic taste, which made her novels mix classical and modern flavor. Under the rich poetic, her novels imply the profound reflection of human nature. Image narrative has become an important part of Jin Renshun’s novels.Image plays a leading role of rendering atmosphere, developing the plot, and improving the theme. It helps to dredge the narrative context of the novel, strengthen the narrative activities, and realize narrative intention. With inheriting the image value of traditional life poetic, Jin Renshun digs out the aesthetic function and aesthetic meaning of image narrative. In the meticulous observation, she adds the modern creative ideas and the spirit of traditional aesthetics. It conveys the unique personal experience of life, and reveals regional characteristics of the national feelings.This Paper takes Jin Renshun’s novels as the main body of the research, bases on the narrative theories to analyze the narrative image of Jin’s novel and discuss the aesthetic value of it. The paper mainly includes three parts:introduction, main body and conclusion.The introduction briefly introduces the after 70s writer Jin Renshun, and her works, traces the origin of the development of image in China, and explores the connotation of image narrative and the research of current situation.The main body of the paper is divided into three chapters, the first chapter, combined with the novels of Jin Renshun, analyzes the existing four types of Jin’s fiction narrative image types:natural image, social image, space image and folk image. From the perspective of narrative theories, respectively analyzes the narrative elements contained in the image, image intervention of narrative, using image over the full to illustrate the details of image narrative in Jin Renshun’s novel. The second chapter, from the perspective of rhetoric, mainly from three aspects to analyze the generation ways of the image narrative of Jin’s novel, including image repetition, symbolic meaning and theme metaphor. It also analyze the influence of daily life, North Korea’s national culture, the traditional poetic culture in Jin’s creation of image, what make us walk into a more reality woman about Jin Renshun.The third chapter, from the perspective of aesthetic, is to summarize the character of Jin’s imagery by rational thinking which mainly appears in the poetic of language and the changed connotation, and summarize the significance of narrative imagery referent, and finally analyses the immoral aesthetic, cool colors aesthetic,ethereal aesthetic connotation embody in her three kinds of subject fiction, which fully shows the aesthetic effect and artistic features of her novels.The last part of the paper summarizes Jin’s efforts and achievements in image narrative, which is not only a transmission and development for image narrative writing mode, but also a kind of creation and transcendence. It also highlights the important position and existence value of the image narrative in literary studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jin Ren-shun, Image Narrative, Poetic, Nationality
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