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A Report On The Chinese-English Translation Of Business Environment And Risk Assessment Of One Country

Posted on:2017-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y YinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of economic globalization, the world is seeing the economic center to transfer from developed country to developing country. More and more businessmen want to know about international economic situation and market dynamics to expand foreign trade and economic exchange. Investors need to get information about economic policies and laws as well as market potential and business environment to prepare foreign investment. Therefore, Business English plays an important role in economic exchange among different countries. This report mainly describes the process of Chinese-English translation of investment analysis of Nepal and the author’s harvest and thinking. The selected material comes from "one belt one road" item of Xinhua News Agency.As a translation report, the author describes the translation process in detail including background information of translation material, case analysis, ways of solving problems, and translation methods as well as its corresponding reasons. The report aims to reproduce the process of translation, express author’s idea and accumulate experience for future study. The report is divided into five parts. The first part is an introduction; the second introduces translation tasks including background information of translation material, features of material, requirement of client; the third part describes the process of translation including preparation of translation, translation process and translation correction; the forth part, as the main part of the report, is case study. The author classifies difficult words and sentences and summarizes related translation methods from the perspective of word, sentence and text; the last part is the summary of author’s thinking and enlightenment for future study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Business English text, Chinese-English translation, Translation method
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