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A Report On The Translation Of The Homing Instinct(Chapter Two)

Posted on:2017-04-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A R ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The material of this translation report is the second chapter excerpted from a scientific book named The Homing Instinct: Meaning and Mystery in Animal Migration. This chapter mainly describes the introduction on the beeline, the application of the beeline in human’s daily life and the experiment process about the research on bees’ instinct and map sense as well as bees’ beeline. The translation of this chapter can provide some academic knowledge for scientific research in a certain degree and promote the development of Chinese biology to some extent, and possibly bring the profits to the personal farmers and improve the economic and social benefits.The translation report is composed of four major parts: translation task description, translation process description, translation case analysis and translation practice summary. It also contains the original material and Chinese translation. The first part is about the introduction to the translation material and its original book, as well as its author, and the description of the content of this chapter. The second part mainly contains the translation preparation for background knowledge about bees’ instincts and beeline, and the academic dictionaries and the Internet resources used in translating and the some amendments to this translation report. The third part is the translation case analysis from four different points, such as words, sentences, discourse and the culture. The last part is the experience and thoughts on this translation practice, and some prospects for the future translating practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:homing instinct, beeline, biology, translation report
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