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The Study Of The Image Of Wu Zixu’s Revenge

Posted on:2017-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L MiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330485482031Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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All this time, there are different degrees of related research on Wu Zixu’s related stories. But the connotation and the dispute about the image of revenge, whereas there are few systematic and comprehensive analysis and exploration. The purpose of this dissertation is to study on the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge atone, to explore the formation and change of the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge, with further exploration of the meaning of the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge and the controversial discussions of it in history, and hope to give a fair and comprehensive evaluation of his deeds. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. In the first three chapters, we mean to discusses the evolution of the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge, including its literature characteristics in different dynasties, and different social background. In Chapter Four, we mean to discuss the study of the controversial problems of the assessment of Wu Zixu’s revenge, the chapter is based on the debate on the relationship of loyalty and filial piety of Wu Zixu’s revenge, including analysis of the image of the filial piety of revenge. In Chapter Five, we mean to discuss the connection between the revenge character and loyal character of Wu Zixu.In Chapter One to Chapter Three, we explore the evolution of the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge, there is a continuation of the previous generation, but also has a breakthrough and development of innovation in the history of the creation of Wu Zixu’s revenge story. The image of Wu Zixu’s revenge in the art productions from the pre Qin Dynasty to the Han Dynasty, has always been scattered and not clear, in the "Shi Ji book", the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge is complete and fixed, and has become a image of "abandon small righteousness and get big revenge". In the books like "Yue Jue book", especially "Wu Yue Chun Qiubook", in the fantasy imagination, legend of deification in injection, the revenge image has deeper literary imagination and color. At the meantime, the discussions of whether Wu Zixu "whip tomb" or "whip body" let us realized the criticism for Wu Zixu’s revenge has developed with the records in literature classics. The image of Wu Zixu’s revenge in Tang Dynasty, has been completely transformed from the historical records, has become a kind of literary and artistic color of the image. In Yuan Dynasty, the two dramas play like a construction of "division and reunion", give the audience the story of a perfect ending. In Ming Dynasty, the play has bring a new injection into the developing of the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge process, in literary works, there is a dispute about the rationality of Wu Zixu’s revenge behavior, this phenomenon has been influenced by the discussion of the controversy over Wu Zixu’s revenge from Song and Ming Dynasty, and also because ancient royalism has ingrained deeply rooted in the hearts of men. In Qing Dynasty, in the novel like "Dong Zhou Lie Guo Zhi", has the features of the previous works are presented. The image of Wu Zixu’s revenge is not only like a sublime and brilliant heroic, but also has more multifaceted emotional color, and become more stereo and complete literature image. In the meantime, Wu Zixu’s revenge is concerned from generation to generation, because it has the driving force of his forbear process of revenge and the justice publicity ending. Not only the spirit of vengeance can arouse extensive audience sympathy, but also he turn the act of revenge into seek for justice. These factors can be the classical of Wu Zixu revenge image. And these things are the reasons why the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge has high degree of concern in different dynasties.In Chapter Four, we discuss the controversial discussions on the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge. This is about the reasonable dispute of image of Wu Zixu’s revenge, and mainly focus on the relationship between foyalty and filial piety. We start from Yang Xbng’s, Su Shi’s analysis of the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge choice, and introduce different scholars’theory as evidence. Filial piety concept of revenge has become the basic support of revenge image, the concept of particular connection between the monarch and his subjects has become a critical reason for the support of the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge. For example, Wang Anshi has praised for the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge, but there are some strong criticize about it Many scholars believe that vengeance is cheating on the monarch, is impiety to his ancestors, such as Chen Renzi, Mei Yaochen, and Zhang Shi and so on. And there are some scholars support the the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge based on the theory that proved by He Xiu, they think the special relationship between monarch and subjects is different from later dynasties, so the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge is reasonable. Chen Shaoqi, Zhu Yishi have criticized the opposed opinions about the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge.Chapter Five is based on the connections between revenge image and loyal image of Wu Zixu. There are deep connections between revenge image and loyal image of Wu Zixu, loyal image influenced the popularity of revenge image and its acceptance, and the revenge image also affects the judgments of loyal image. Some scholars criticized Wu Zixu’s revenge because he killed the King Liao for revenge with presenting Zhuanzhu, this behavior shows Wu Zixu’s brutality and he used unscrupulous divisive tactics. Chao Buzhi and Yang Weizhen had criticized him. These opinions were mostly presented by scholars in Song Dynasty, and these ideas have poured another new sound into the development of the criticism of the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge.In addition, in the course of the study, we have noticed that despite the complex judgments of the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge, there are still many praise words of the image of revenge and the image of loyalty. Like Lu Yuanfu’s, Wang Anshi’s and Wang Shizhen’s words. And the image of Wu Zixu has had the color of god, and become the Xu God cherished by many people through dynasties. This progress also embodies the influence of the image of revenge. It should be said that the debate around the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge, have important connection with the relationship between loyalty and filial piety, this is also related to the development process of the literature characteristic of the image of Wu Zixu’s revenge mentioned in this dissertation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wu Zixu, The image of revenge, Loyal and filial, Evolution, Dispute
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