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Study The Idea Of Wang Yan

Posted on:2017-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C XiongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330485476997Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wang Yan, as the famous Neo-Confucianism scholar in Southern Song Dynasty, studied and benefited from Zhang Shi. He worked focusing on Shang Shu and Yi, which contributed some inventions to image-numerology. His life work is quite abundant, and his thoughts involved Neo Confucianism, Literature, the people-rooted concept and so on. Based on the previous research, the thesis is trying to explore the Wang Yan’s thought in order to make some contributions to the development of study of Wang Yan ‘s thought.The whole thesis consists of following chapters:Chapter One:Introduction. This chapter mainly discusses the current status of research, the reasons and the significance of the topic,methodology,structure of the passage and so on.WangYan, who studied with ZhangShi, was also a friend of ZhuXi. He dabbled much in HuXiang School and Xin’an rationalism. Modern academic study had not analyzed the idea origin and the innovation systematically. This thesis focuses on souring the ideology of Wang Yan Based on previous researchChapter Two: Concept of ghost and heaven. This chapter mainly introduces the view on heaven and ghost. It also discusses how Neo-Confucianism influences the development of concept of heaven and ghost and how the concept of heaven and ghost plays a role in society under the practical politics thought.Chapter Three:Viewpoint of righteousness and benefit. This chapter analyzes generation and manifestation of Wang Yan’s viewpoint of righteousness and benefit.This thesis analyze WangYan’s thought from three aspect, and these are Official concept, practical politics thought and reclusive thought. Besides this thesis also interpret where WangYan’s view of Wealth and Fame comes from and why this view changes.Chapter Four: Sprit of scholarly study. This chapter focuses on the Wang Yan’s view on study and self-cultivation, literary and art criticism. It also interprets the Wang Yan’s distinctive concept under the influence of Hu xiang School and Xin An School according to Wang Yan’s background information.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Yan, idea, innovation
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