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On Marx ’s Discarding And Surpassing Of Feuerbach’ S Philosophy

Posted on:2017-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y WangFull Text:PDF
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The relationship between Marx’s philosophy and Feuerbach’s philosophy has always been a topic of widespread concern. Without a doubt, Marx’s philosophy with respect to Feuerbach’s philosophy is different in essence, Marx also in the "Theses On Feuerbach" clearly pointed out Marx’s philosophy is different from the basic characteristics of all the old philosophy lies in "practice". In this paper, through the comparative study on Feuerbach’s philosophy and Marx’s philosophy, argues that there is a Feuerbach stage in the process of Marx’s philosophy, On the basis of this, the paper focuses on the development of Feuerbach’s philosophy of Marx.Marx’s attitude to Feuerbach’s philosophy has three kinds: the first is to draw lessons from, the second point is to discard, the third point is comprehensive criticism. In Marx’s early works, Marx’s reference to Feuerbach’s philosophy is very obvious, mainly including of Marx used the terms and categories of Feuerbach’s philosophy, Marx draws on Feuerbach’s philosophy "method of the cart before the horse"; Marx’s discarding of Feuerbach’s philosophy is obvious, for example, Marx’s critique of Hegel is than Feuerbach more thorough, Marx unlike Feuerbach that meet to Hegel’s philosophy as mysticism to be negative,but revealed Hegel’s epistemological source that the Hegel upside down the relationship between individual and general. Marx’s overall criticism of Feuerbach’s philosophy is the focus of this paper, the shortcomings of Feuerbach’s philosophy in the field of social history performance is very obvious, in essence difference between Marxist historical materialism and all historical idealism is historical materialism is based in historical reality all the time,with practice to explain the concept, and the idealist conception of history but in spirit or idea as a starting point, using the concept to explain the practice of, the "practice" is the essence of Marx’s philosophy of transcendence of Feuerbach’s philosophy.In order to understand the relationship between Feuerbach’s philosophy and Marx’s philosophy, it is essential to understand Feuerbach’s philosophy. At the beginning of this paper, elaborated the Feuerbach philosophy, Feuerbach’s philosophy theory origin and its main connotation is pointed out, and has carried on the elaboration to the Feuerbach Philosophy in the history of philosophy theory contributions and limitations. After a systematic exposition of Feuerbach’s philosophy, in the history of Marxism philosophy development as the basic thread by in different periods of Marx’s writings on comparative analysis of Marx’s philosophy of Feuerbach’s attitude change, from reference to discard and then to comprehensive criticism, then draws the conclusion: In the process of the formation ofMarx’s philosophy, there is a Feuerbach stage, but Marx’s philosophy is also beyond the essence of Feuerbach’s philosophy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Feuerbach, Practice, philosophy
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