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"Say X (Also) Not X" Frame Structure Research

Posted on:2017-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G N SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330482499781Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern Chinese, there is a special box structure "Said X (also) not X", such as "good" is not good. The combination of form and meaning in language, in the characteristics of the structure on the basis of the study, "Said X (also) not X" semantic relations, syntactic functions and pragmatic value of description and analysis to, due to, "Said X (also) not X" often "Said X (also) not X, Said Y(also) not Y "presented in the form of lift, the last part and to lift the format are discussed.In this paper, the description method of structural linguistics of "Said X (also) not X"structure of detailed investigation, reveal the semantic features of integral type and structure of each component of the structure. "Said" half empty; "X" can be adjectives, nouns and verbs and semantic features of before and after the two "X" different. "" said similar, representing the association, said in a mild tone. Due to the different "X", the structure of the construction meaning will change, "X" is an adjective, some said "not X" state or condition is excusable, according to, can be explained by the; others that it is in different conditions can produce two results of "X" and "X"; to give said an awkward intermediate state. "X" is a verb time for two kinds of, a kind of when "X" action verbs tend to express a rebuke, blame, dissatisfaction and even accused the meaning; "X" for psychological verbs and modal verbs, that does not mean that the rebuke, complain and dissatisfaction, but with the "X" is an adjective construction meaning similarity.According to the investigation,"Said X (also) not X" structure can be as a variety of syntactic constituents that can act as predicate, attributive, complement, can also act as a subordinate clause of the complex sentence can be independent sentences. As frame type structure has the specific pragmatic functions and high pragmatic value and the structure can be in the simple form of language, expression rich semantic content and the speaker’s subjective feelings, in the discourse with the function of cohesion and highlight the sentence focus. The use of the process, often to achieve the "anti-expectations" effect. Due to the impact of China "the doctrine of the mean" culture, in explaining their views or evaluation of the views of others, "Said X (also) not X" structure often follow the politeness principle.Finally,"Said X (also) not X" commonly used variant "Said X (also) not X, Said Y (also) not Y" alone as a part of said. Analysis the semantic types of x, y, x, y in the order of preferred and temporary transposition mechanism of pragmatic motivation, semantic to lift and the lift transform form, and then summed up to lift the format of the national psychological mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Say X (also) not X", Semantic analysis, Syntactic function, Pragmatic value, The lifting scheme
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