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The Teaching Exploration Of Dufu’s Poetry In The Tesching Of Chinese As A Foreign Lauguage

Posted on:2017-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330482491583Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the previous teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, teachers mainly focus on the communicative competence when teaching foreign students, and for the teaching of Chinese culture are rarely mentioned, and there’s not too much detailed teaching not to mention the teaching of classical Chinese poetry. Ancient poetry is the cultural treasure of the Chinese nation, and it is the wisdom of the ancient Chinese literati. Du Fu is called as Chinese’s “ Saint”, and he is the interface as a great poet who sees the transformation from the Glorious age of Tang Dynasty to the age of Middle Tang Dynasty. His poetry reflects the image before and after the rebellion of the social unrest genuinely, and it is a mirror of the times. So in teaching process of Chinese as a foreign language, Du Fu’s poetry is a representative. In the specific teaching process, it is important not only to make students understand the genre of poetry, but also let the students learn the words, appreciate the poetry language, experience the author’s feelings, and understand the artistic characteristics of Du Fu’s poetry. From Du Fu’s poetry we can see that he is a poet who worries about the safety of his nation and about the people who are suffering. His feelings were deep and wide, and his poetry contains a thick plot of emotional power. His benevolent heart and peaceful life style has educational significance for the foreign students. As for the specific lesson plan design will mainly presented in the form of class, and the concrete poetry analysis of Du Fu’s poetry’s ideological content and artistic features. Through a few lessons, the foreign students may learn how to appreciate the Chinese poetry in several different ways.
Keywords/Search Tags:Du Fu, poetry, TCFL, teaching plan
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