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“Color,Way Of Love”the Libang Charity Visual Design

Posted on:2017-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330482480896Subject:Art and design
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This graduation project topic is " Color,Way of LOVE" the Libang charity visual design. According to Liband’s spread the brand image requirements, to enrich the connotation of paint products, also to enhance the objective of the social awareness and reputation in the Chinese markets. This design follow the principle of Liband, focus on practical problems of child development. The objective of the public interest is delineated in children with intellectual disabilities. The interior design color scheme meet the requirements of the special educational primary school in order to improve its environment, and also include the online and offline series of promotional activities design. The graduation design include the overall design concept maps, promotion poster, two main fa?ade design and the application renderings, four sets of internal deduction color design and application renderings, exhibition application renderings, a number of activities designed to derivative material, online sale of goods for charity application renderings.The first part required for the research reports. According to the requirement from Libang, the public welfare is based on care for children, and determine needs of the cared target groups and express the theme design of love. Firstly, on the basis of the survey of public projects in recent seven years, we found that the brand attention from the poor children’s material needs shift to the spiritual concerns of the children who left behind. Therefore, the next step should be pay more attention on the special groups who need more caring which could be reflected the humanistic concern. Next, followed by the survey from social media about the degree of concern for the children with intellectual disabilities. We found that this kinds of special needs groups are observed society’s attention and also have some influence. Finally, came out the research on the demand in improve the environmental barriers for special education primary school and development color demand for the children with intellectual disabilities. Comprehensive research establish the feasibility of this design.The second part is the literature study. According to the requirement which can reflect the emotional changing based on the color for the children with developmental disabilities, this research include the studies of design, sociology and psychology. Firstly, read through a lot of books and literatures to found out the interference effect of color on development of disorders. The main focus is to analysis the effect of external environmental color in psychological mood, color emotion regulation under special circumstances, proposed the design strategy which could integrate naturally color in to space, play a care and cure role. Secondly, systemize the research on medicine and psychology for children with developmental disabilities on special field of color perception of obstacles, and we obtained that the design should avoid the overly brightness and hyperactive colors environment which would stimulate the children with autism, and the abnormal color dark environment may strengthen autistic children’s negative emotions. Finally, hundreds of painting of autistic children has been classification through emotional by the author, came out with the obtained two types of positive emotions tone tendencies for autistic children: active and positive color and peaceful and tranquility color, and with a principle of tone combination screen with visual balance of positive emotions.The third part is the process practice design report. According to the requirement from Libang brand on care of autistic children on psychology and emotion for special education elementary school environmental design color scheme and also with the design of the opening ceremony, exhibition activities for children with autism, the official website of autistic children for sale of paintings for charity, also with a campaign slogan called “color,way of love, love help”. There are four set of environmental design programs, refining the natural color and shape,《positive》《happy》《placid》《peace》are theme for the performance of different functional area, the principles with a positive emotional tone combinations was used as guided, in order to alleviate depression and appease passion to achieve emotional balance. The environmental color designs are the preparatory activity. The medium term planning is “color,way of love” theme activities, offline activities opening and painting exhibition, online sale of goods for charity. Later use PS, AI and other software to complete related marketing materials design and application activities.The fourth part is aimed to summarize the report. To achieve Libang’s spread brand image, to enhance the objective of visibility and reputation in the Chinese market, develop the public concern for the children with developmental disabilities, to meet the special education needs of primary school to improve its environment, the design is the reflection of the colors of emotional influence care of children with developmental disabilities, through the theme activities to promote the positive public image of the brand, the expectation will generate social practical utility.
Keywords/Search Tags:Autistic Children, Color concern, Charitable activities, Brand communication
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