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Report On The Translation Of Our Queen (chapter 6)

Posted on:2017-04-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J GaoFull Text:PDF
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As a character introduction writing, biography belongs to informative text. While as a literary work, biography possesses the characteristic of literariness and readability. The translation of biography is a great challenge to translators, which plays an irreplaceable role in checking their translating ability.The source text is Chapter Six(Her Image) in biography Our Queen, which is written by famous British writer Robert Hardman. The biography tells the story of British Queen – Elizabeth Ⅱ, which characterizes by its well-knit structure, vivid language, well-selected content and distinctive writing style, so it’s very informative and readable.Preparation work is achieved before translation as learning translation theory, searching background information and analyzing the target reader. Then the textual analysis is made based on repeated reading of source text, which focuses on its language, sentence and textual structures, and figure of speech.I encountered some problems in translation, such as the meaning option and translation of the polysemous words, adjectives and adverbs with affective meaning, and the translation of long rhetoric sentences.The reception aesthetic theory and context opinion are served as the guidance and solution in translation practice while domesticating translation and foreignizing translation are flexibly used according to different contexts. Base on fidelity of original information, Chinese style language and reorganization of sentence structure are flexibly applied to improve TL readers’ horizon of expectation.
Keywords/Search Tags:meaning option, context, reorganization of sentence structure, reader
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