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A Report On The Interpreting Project Of 2014 China Tour Of Kiev Ballet

Posted on:2017-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L HanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This is a practice report based on interpreting for Hebei JoyTitan Culture and Arts Co., Ltd. In this interpreting practice, the author is responsible for escort interpreting on China tour of Kiev Ballet. At first, the report describes the background, the client’s requirements and the process of this interpreting practice. Then, the author analyses the problems based on cases, and puts forward relevant solutions based on translation theories. The report concludes the whole interpreting practice in the end.This report contains four parts. The first chapter is the description of the interpreting practice. The author introduces the task background and requirements of the client. The second chapter is the description of interpreting process. In this chapter, the author describes the preparation, the interpreting process and the summary of this practice. Besides, the author evaluates the result of this practice. The main part of this report is Chapter Three. In this chapter, the author uses interpretive theory to analyze problems based on interpreting cases. The interpreting cases include obvious mistakes of spokesman, number problem, hearing and distinguishing problems of accent, culture differences between East and West, verbosity problem. At last, the author comes to a conclusion. Chapter Four is the conclusion of the whole interpreting practice and the author describes some problems in this practice, relative thoughts, as well as inspiration and prospects in future study and work.
Keywords/Search Tags:interpreting practice, escort interpreting, interpretive theory
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