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Interpreting Practice Report Of The International Seminar On “the Dual Education System”

Posted on:2016-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y YangFull Text:PDF
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Since ancient times, the East and west cultures have met in Xinjiang, which include the Central Plains culture, Persian culture, Greek culture, Arabia culture, and the Xinjiang native ethnic cultures, to jointly form a coexisting, multi-dimensional development of the unique regional culture of Xinjiang.Sponsored by the Xinjiang Normal University, "International Symposium on multi-culture and education" which attracts 120 experts and scholars from the UK, the US, Australia, Germany, South Korea, Singapore and other countries and regions, and experts and scholars from more than 10 domestic research institutes and Universities. The symposium has promoted exchanges and cooperations on multi-culture and education field from home and abroad, and promoted the development of the educational cause.The main content of the paper is based on a practical activity, according to the interpreting of the dual education system, combining with the practice, analyzing and summarizing the completion of the interpreting task. During the meeting, the author interpreted for professor Volker Olsson who’s from European Association for Social and Vocational Education, and address at the symposium.The report is divided into five parts, the first part introduces the interpreting tasks, including the interpreting origin, the brief introduction about the task, and the interpreting effect; second part introduces the preparing work before interpreting; the third part introduces the skopos theory; the fourth part is the application of translation skopos theory in interpreting practice, combining with the recording material, analyzing mistakes and shortcomings in the interpreting; the fifth part is the summary of the interpreting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dual Education System, Simultaneous Interpreting, Practice Report
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