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Study On Aesthetics In The Translation Of English For Science And Technology

Posted on:2016-09-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The recent years have witnessed the fast development of modern technology. This also requires more on English for science and technology(EST) as well as its translation.Therefore, more and more translators are focusing on the quality of EST translation now.It is of significant importance to translate EST better for the advancement of Chinese science and technology and also social development.The book Exposed written by American writer Mark Schapiro mainly introduces the different attitudes of the U.S. and Europe on environmental issues. As an EST book focusing on environmental problems, it has some stylistic features like conciseness,accuracy, and high logicality. Besides, it also uses vivid description and rhetorical devices to make the book more interesting and attractive. Based on Translation Aesthetics and the specific questions and solutions in this practice, the translator explores how to use some translation strategies to reflect the beauty of conciseness, accuracy,logicality and conformity as well as the vividness in the translated text. The report is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is the literature review. The second chapter is the description of the translation task. The third chapter is the description of the translation process and the fourth chapter is the conclusion of the translation practice. In the fourth chapter, the writer concludes some translation strategies often used in the translation process, like the transliteration method, meaning-based translation method,combination of transliteration and literal translation as well as conversion, amplification,omission, and the readjustment of words. The writer also concludes the special features presented in the original text like vivid narration and description, and the use of rhetorical device as well as their representation in the translated text.It can be seen that translators need solid language foundation and good translation skills to fulfill the translation task. Besides, as a translator, it is also a must to have some technological and professional knowledge and specialized vocabulary.
Keywords/Search Tags:English for Science and Technology, translation aesthetics, translation strategy
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