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Song Dubbing From The Perspective Of Receptional Easthetics

Posted on:2016-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the rapid economic growth, Chinese social and cultural affairs have flourished. The C hinese and foreign cultural exchanges and the introduction of western culture industry represented by song get people’s attention. As a result, song dubbing’s function as a bridge of culture dissemination and communication is increasingly prominent.Song dubbing is the research object with clarifying its characteristics. Based on the difference between song dubbing and song translation, it emphasizes the particularity of the text---the combination of melody and lyrics. Besides the lyrics translation, it should convey the beauty of music properly.Receptional aesthetics is a new kind of methodology since 1960 s. It stresses on the reader as the center. It breaks the inherent binary structure of the author and the translator with given priority, and brings the reader into the writing and translation concerns. The innovative concept expectation horizon prepares for song dubbing. The author clearly differentiates literary attribute and musical attribute for the song dubbing, presenting two principles: smooth and fluent translation; harmonious and natural dubbing. F rom the perspective of receptional aesthetic, with the combination of song dubbing practice, it analyzes the problems in song dubbing process and puts forward the corresponding solutions: attaches great importance to the cooperation with lyrics and rhythm; considers the cultural background of the audience; respects for the source language culture.It has certain academic value, social significance and innovative challenge to study song dubbing from the perspective of receptional aesthetic. Promoting the perfection and development of song dubbing and deepening the theoretical research is the purpose of this article.
Keywords/Search Tags:song dubbing, receptional aesthetic, reader-centered, expecting view
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