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Cultivating Cultural Industry In Xinjiang

Posted on:2016-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330476950092Subject:Theoretical Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rapid development of the new economy, readjustment of the industrial structure,consumption of the resources and changes in the environment, all of which increasingly important for the development of cultural industries in the overall account for a more significant role in the development, or even play a pillar role. The development of culture industry thanks to the strong impetus to economic development; the low consumption, low pollution of the natural environment; the low consumption of energy use; the processing of national culture and its low input, high output, and so on.Culture is the lifeblood of a nation’s spirit and the source of creation, which integrate in our daily lives. Culture industry played an indispensable role in establishing and perfecting the modern system of public cultural services and modern cultural market system, promoting Socialist cultural development.Cultural industries development has a direct impact on the country’s economic development, social development. In view of the above reasons, the development of cultural industries must be given high priority.As cultural resource-rich regions of Xinjiang, the culture industry is far from playing the role. Xinjiang’s industrial structure adjustment in the process of culture industry is below the national level of development of the cultural industry. The function of "characteristic" has not been fully developped; the establishment of the special cultural industries also has a very big development space. During the process of industrial structure adjustment in Xinjiang, the proportion of the tertiary industry has increased, industry contribution value increased, but with the development of cultural industry is lower than the national average level, the Xinjiang characteristic has not been highlight in the development cultural industry.we have to find reason in all its aspects, impact analysis, and put forward feasible and suitablerecommendations for the development of cultural industry in Xinjiang. In order to establish characteristics of cultural industry in Xinjiang which can take "characteristics" as the leading, driving the development of all Xinjiang’s cultural industry, promoting the adjustment of industrial structure, contribute to the comprehensive development of Xinjiang, particularly in economic development.In this paper, we will take Xinjiang as main research regional, national culture industry development of approach policy as oriented starting, then reference district both inside and outside other geographical of success development experience, draw failed lessons, combines current Xinjiang economic and social development of reality situation, and Xinjiang itself by has of culture industry aspects of advantage and disadvantage, analysis Xinjiang culture industry development aspects of features, find features culture industry of development path form the industry layout, conceptual change, talent training, science and technology penetration, core competitiveness creation, etc, then proposed foster Xinjiang features culture industry of ideas and some countermeasures recommends.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xinjiang, Culture industry, Cultivate, Character
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