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Dou Lianfang And Resistance At Nenjiang Bridge

Posted on:2016-09-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330470961443Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The significance of Anti Japanese war in Jiangqiao after September 18 th Incident t he incident, the army fired China organized, the first battle ready armed to fight the J apanese invaders, occupies a special position in the history of the war of resistance against Japan China. At present, the research on Jiangqiao, for the study of the Dou L ianfang basically is a blank. In this paper, through investigation, consult the local scholars, access to a large number of relevant historical data of Jiangqiao during the Anti- Japanese War, mainly based on the existing telegraph literature as the research foundation, visited the Dou Lianfang descendants, understand the academic dispute informat ion, on this basis, academic discussion. Jiangqiao during the period of Anti Japanese War, and then member of the provincial government and the police commissioner and other positions of the Dou Lianfang, as the main participant and organizer, before the war, maintenance capital security, stability of the people, understand the enemy, in order to prevent the Japanese and puppet troops invading northeast border guards, the organization actively arming, Xie Ke and others beat back the puppet troops to attack Zhang Haipeng. Jiangqiao during the war of resistance against Japan. Ma zhanshan,actively cooperate with the army’s offensive, defeated, and retreated and team Ma zhanshan. fulfilling their duties, and make their own contribution to the Anti Japanese w-ar in Jiangqiao. In this paper, to a large number of historical facts, objective analysis of Dou Lianfang in Jiangqiao in the war of resistance against Japan, the questions in the academic, analyzes and demonstrates the key. On this basis, on the leadership, D-ou Lianfang Jiangqiao in the war of resistance against Japan is a negative resistance problem, whether the "escape" and questions about any pseudo job analysis and demonstration. In the Anti Japanese war in Jiangqiao that Dou Lianfang performance, positi-on and influence as Ma zhanshan Xie Ke as superior, but in Jiangqiao, the participan-ts is a hero of the group, for each participant to give proper evaluation is a respect for history.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dou Lianfang, Anti-Japanese war in Jiangqiao, evaluation
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