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Introduction To The Creation Of The Silent Years Experience

Posted on:2016-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F LiangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Peasant of flower and-bird painting depicts the rural agriculture related plants, birds, and farm tools, reproduction is rural life type of painting, full of agrestic breath is pure and fresh and natural. Two song dynasties, landscape painting, figure painting and flower and-bird painting all begin to pay close attention to rural life, mainly depicts the rural daily life environment, in the rural life as the content of the painting works a lot. Today, with rural life related to the content of flower and-bird painting began to flourish, many birds and flowers and painters have to experience the life in the countryside, they all aspects of the paintings depict is rural, peasant yard in a corner of the true performance of peasant life they desire and the desire for the nature. In this article, by analyzing peasant theme is based on the formation of the flowers and birds painting, focus on the contemporary peasant is the subject of C hinese paintings, the flower and-bird painting works of contemporary peasant subject parsing, make oneself of the flower-and-bird paintings have a better understanding of subjects.
Keywords/Search Tags:country, life, style
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