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Treasure·Creations Lacquer With My Ceramic Art

Posted on:2016-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H ZhaiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The craft of combination of lacquer and ceramic craft has existed in ancient ages, which can be seen in past dynasties. However, sometimes this craft is only used to repair the damaged objects such as egg white gluing and kintsugi, rather than create new artwork. In modern times, some artists and craftsmen began to try to use this craft gradually, creating some excellent artworks of combination of ceramic craft and lacquer. The thesis illustrates the history, inheritance, and craft of lacquer skill, manufactures the works of combination of lacquer and ceramic craft in the experiment, and analyzes and practices the feasibility of this craft and key points and difficult points of all details. The thesis hopes that it can make people realize the new beauty and visual feeling brought by the combination of lacquer and ceramic craft by the rough research and exploration, and try this new artistic form. The author will continue to research and explore deeply, who hopes he could make more rigorous and comprehensive analysis and summery and create more and better artworks of combination of lacquer and ceramic craft.
Keywords/Search Tags:lacquer, ceramic body, kintsugi, creation, experiment
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