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Lacquer And Object——about The Function Of Chinese Lacquer In Artistic Creation

Posted on:2015-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:E D ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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In year2002, one lacquer arch unearthed from Ruins of Kuahu Bridge in Xiao Shan,Hangzhou has brought the usage of lacquer in China backwards to8,000years ago.From the very ancient times, the lacquer, which is originated from Chinese traditionalnatural media material, has been the essential antiseptic and waterproof material inpeople’s daily life. It has played a very important role as it’s widely applied inceremony, furniture, appliance and other aspects.Nowadays, artificial lacquer begins to be inundated in our lives. Along with thehistory turbulence, society change and technology development, the Chinese Lacquerhas been using till now as the living fossil, which is the exact media material to bere-knew, spread and applied because the lacquer context will never be isolated. Afterthe Cultural Revolution, even though the Chinese Lacquer has been disappeared fromour lives in a very long time, and its non-substitutability is not fully understood by oursociety, cultural and air world while it has gradually became one ancient craft fromold traditions, people who use the Chinese Lacquer firmly believe that the vitality andnon-substitutability of the Chinese Lacquer will carry forward the lacquer art.Currently, after the lacquer art merged into the institute of higher education andcombined with Modeling major, Designing major and Practical Art major, the lacquerart is librated as a subject in China colleges which means its function, culturalsignificance are accepted and going to be developed and researched in different areas.I have been studied and researched the lacquer art since year2008. Aftersystematically learning of the lacquer art, observing the representative lacquer in thehistory and researching the creation experience of our predecessor in the art lacquer, Istart to conclude and sort what I have learnt and thought with the purpose of makingclear of some problems existed in varnish creation and trying to analysis therelationship between the Chinese Lacquer as a matter itself with other matters,probing the function of the lacquer and matter in art creation. How to awaken poetryin lacquer art instead of fussing and ignorant ingratiation? How to analysis thenecessary connection between the creator and his/her works (matter) with the help ofthe lacquer nature and its powerful sense charm to make audience feel the glamourbehind the lacquer work as the Chinese traditional medium? These two questions arethe ones we have to face. I deeply recognize the importance to make audienceunderstood the lacquer context created by the creator. The critical part in mystatement is about how to make the lacquer affected in the certain context and makethe work harmony and unified with its creator. Actually the lacquer exists as theextension of creator’s conscious and mind instead of being the trick which the creatorplays for covering his/her insufficient on art by using the material’s own aesthetic. The problems faced by lacquer in current art world could not be solved by simplyemphasizing the material aesthetic. During the art creation, the lacquer should be thejoint point among numerous factors. Its inclusivity and broadness should make thelacquer work treated as an inseparable entirety rather than simple texture stacking (tocreate texture for texture, to create effect for effect). An excellent lacquer work shouldexpress the intention and story of the creator.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Lacquer Art, the Chinese Lacquer, Matter, Creation
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