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A Report On The Translation Of On Looking Back(Excerpts)

Posted on:2016-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W YanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This report introduces the Chinese-English translation of essays collection-- On Looking Back(Excerpts). This report is on the base of some essays of On Looking Back which is about 10000 words. The main body of this report is in accordance with my translation process.This translation report mainly analyzes and concludes the translation based on six essays in total selected from On Looking Back, which are The Winding Southern River, A Home Moving on the Cart, My Feelings on Chinese New Year, The Special Purpose on Honorary Credentials, A Tragedy of a Farmer Recruited as College Student, Where Are You From. This report deeply analyzes language features of local essays and emphasizes on researching the translation difficulties, translation methods and strategies in the translation process of On Looking Back(Excerpts) to achieve the goal of transferring Chinese into English faithfully and smoothly as well as showcasing Chinese local culture, especially local culture in Northeast China to world.This report is divided into four parts. Part one is Task Description which includes the main content of On Looking Back and six selected essays, brief introduction on biography of original author and features and nature of essays. Part two is Process Description that introduces the general description of translation process, translation preparation and its expected targets, translation difficulties including the translation of words, long sentences and dialects, ballads. Part three is Case Analysis which analyzes the translation methods and strategies used in the translation process as well as the methods and strategies on essays translation. Part four is Conclusion that reviews the whole report and the strengthand weakness in translation, summarizes the features and difficulties in essay translation then put forwards relevant solutions and suggestions for other translators as a reference in some way.
Keywords/Search Tags:Essay Translation, Translation Methods, Local Essays
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