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Reproduction And Repersentation

Posted on:2016-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330461993534Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In Chinese landscape painting, trees and rocks are the most basic elements of the picture, played a reproduction of natural, performance techniques, showing the role of imagery. As a starting point and goal, this thesis is divided into four chapters, sub-chapters trees and rocks, reproduction, performance, imagery a step by step to start on.Thesis describes the development of landscape painting to the emergence of the Northern Song Dynasty, especially in the Northern Song Dynasty, is the landscape highly prosperous era. Liberal political, economic prosperity and the impact of Confucianism, showing the new features of the times, realistic landscape painting with ink-based, academy of prosperity and literati added. It also emerged Li Cheng, Fan Kuan, Guo Xi and many other landscapes you.Papers around the theme of the second chapter of the systematic analysis of the Northern Song Dynasty landscape tree and stone characteristics, mainly from natural Miao Xu function, the metaphor Miao Xu functions of the two aspects. The third chapter discusses how trees and rocks reproduce and reflect their role in the picture. The fourth chapter focuses on the analysis of landscape tree stone image, select the hospital as the Northern Song Dynasty landscape painting Guo Xi and guide people and literati painting on behalf of Sushi, will be realistic and based academy school in freehand literati painting mainly do a comparative analysis.Based on the above analysis, the article said. Northern Song Dynasty landscape painting Essentially, we can say is a kind of self-idealized paintings. Northern Song Dynasty landscape painting is the initiative to create the screen image, rather than directly to the realism or imitation. Because direct imitation of nature or realism can not fully express the author’s feelings ideals. The initiative to create the image of the Northern Song Dynasty landscape painters such act itself, but also to the artist in his works more freedom to express themselves more margin to stay out of flexible space.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Northern Song Dynasty landscape
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