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Memetic Comparison Between Russian And Chinese Network Speech

Posted on:2016-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Gorbachev Vasilii( W X L)Full Text:PDF
GTID:2295330461978027Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Network language enriches the social culture. From a macro point of view, network language and specific network words can reflect social characteristics, including some negative social phenomena. Network language is not the source of these negative phenomena or causes, but their reflection in the language. From the micro point of view, the network also provides an important tool for users to express one’s own opinion.Network Language study has a great value, through deep research we can understand Chinese and Russian online world, pop culture, psychology of Internet users, and social culture, that undoubtedly can promote more successful communication between Russian and Chinese Internet users.From the language point of view, network language provides modern language new memes, which would also make the language more lively and agile, more rich and vivid. The key lies in the vitality of the language people use its level of acceptance in the process, and then replicate and spread widely. Although the network language and formal language does not belong to the same linguistic context, but the network language is based on the traditional language, and have a great influence on it, through indirect methods making it more vivid and productive.Comparative study of Russian and Chinese internet slang from the perspective of memetics is a new attempt in linguistic field. The study finds that these two language memes bear similar rules of transmission ways. But there are differences in reasons why internet users use some popular network slang, which are explained by social and cultural differences between Chinese and Russian internet users. In conclusion the author answered the basic network slang question:why internet slang became so popular.
Keywords/Search Tags:memetic study, network Speech, Russian and Chinese language comparison
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