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The Japanese Influence In Modern Chinese Literary Translation

Posted on:2015-06-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F M YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330461483767Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the Sino-Japanese war was defeated and the Hundred Days’ Reform failed,the advanced intellectuals realized that China under the feudal shackles needed to be more open-minded, needed more study about the west in depth. In addition to learning science、technology、legal and institutional, foreign literature、philosophy are also worthy to learn. So from the second half of the 1890 s, the quantity of Chinese translation about foreign literary works increased gradually, and many of them were translated through Japanese translations.Literary translation phenomenon is common in the initial period of translated literature development, it is enslaved to the external factors such as the language, geographical distance and so on, translators have more contacts with other countries’literature with the aid of the grasped language. In the process of constant introduction and absorbability to the other countries’ literature,the enlightenment not only enlightens the reader’s vision, but also promots the domestic literature matures gradually.This paper takes Wu Tao’s translations for examples,which use Japanese translation to translate Russian、German、French、American and other countries’literature works. From the Angle of influence research and communication research, this paper is aimed at analysis of the Japanese influence in modern Chinese literary translation. The full text has four chapters, the first chapter gives an account of Wu Tao and his translation activities, and combs Wu Tao’s life experience through the basic historical textual research; And finishes his translation works to provide that all of his translation information is fully and clear. The second chapter explains the process of Wu Tao’s translated works’spread and acception in Japan detailedly, and puts the country as an standard to introduce the Russian literature works and the Occident’s literature works’spread in Japan respectively.The third chapter analyses Wu Tao’s Translated Works’Inheritance and transcendence to the Japanese Influence according to the text, and clarifies the Wu Tao’s translations’characteristics that were affected by Japan, these characteristics were not only the manifestation of these worksc contributions to Chinese literature, also including the inevitable limitations. The fourth chapter is a historical orientation to Wu Tao and his translation activities, from the introduction of realistic literature and using the vernacular translation two aspects to make sure Wu Tao’s vital function in modern Chinese history of translation literature and modern literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wu Tao, Literatural translation, Japanese Influence, Communication Research
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