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A Report On The Translation Of Manul Of Rosler Equipment

Posted on:2016-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of globalization and China’s economic take-off, more and more foreign products are brought into China’s market, creating a high demand for manual translation. However, due to such text’s strong professionalism and some translators’ inadequate understanding of the text, the market is filled with a large number of unqualified manual translations, which are harmful to both use and the image of product. The English-Chinese translation project of “Rosler Equipment Operation Manual(SSAB) China co., LTD” entrusted by the company is discussed in this paper. As for such a translation project, the translator should pay attention to the following problems, for instance, how to ensure a smooth progress of translation through various preparations before the work starts and how to use lexical, syntactical and discourse level skills accurately to explain the meaning of the original. This report mainly involves issues on translation of the equipment manual, and actively explores the methods to solve the problemsBesides, the translation practice report describes the whole process of the translation practice project in detail, including the preparation, the process of translation and matters after translation. Some specific solutions to the problems arising from the practice are also put forward in this report. The author hopes this report can be referential to other manual translations and helpful in furthering discussions on making more accurate manual translations which conform with the Chinese expression habits and aesthetic perception, so as to jointly promote the quality of manual translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation report of Rosler Equipment Operation Manual, case analysis, process of translation
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