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Investigation On Teaching Mandarin Chinese At Hannam University

Posted on:2016-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J C CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330470954634Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The author of China in the economic trade Hannam University for a period of six months of language teaching, according to the practical problems encountered in teaching, in education, research, under the guidance of Chinese as a second language teaching theory, etc., referring to previous designed questionnaire related investigations, with interviews, classroom observation to assist, the status of Chinese teaching Chinese economic trade Hannam University Department launched an investigation. The survey mainly include the following:Department of Teaching Chinese economic trade status quo (1) overall profile Hannam University China;(2) the student trade department of China’s economic Hannam University; China Economic Trade Department (3) Chinese Hannam University Teacher situation. Among them, the first aspect of the Commerce Department to establish the main focus on economic background, expand research on students’ training mode, to carry out the situation of Chinese language teaching, teaching material, curriculum, etc. The second aspect is the main source of around student learning basic Chinese language, Chinese language learning objectives, learning the Chinese way, the basic situation of Chinese teaching evaluation, expectations of Chinese teaching and Chinese language teachers, teaching planning and preparation, teaching methods and other content to start; the third aspect of research, including the syllabus, teachers, teaching materials, students, curriculum aspects of the problems. Mainly through research the following conclusions:Teaching Chinese Trade Department of China’s economy Hannam University through years of development, has made some achievements, and for the better, but the choice of the syllabus, textbooks, curriculum and teachers and other aspects there are some issues can not be ignored. Finally, I make recommendations based on the findings.
Keywords/Search Tags:South Korea, Status of Chinese teaching, Hannam University
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