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The Research Of The Notebook Of Zhangtaiyan In Shuowenjiezi

Posted on:2016-11-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330470953362Subject:Chinese classical literature
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The notebook of Zhang Taiyan in Shuowenjiezi is a book settled by WangNing. It is a notebook of Zhu Xizu, Zhou Shuren, Qian Xueseng, which arerecord when they listening to Mr Zhang Taiyan teaching the Dictionary ofShuowenjiezi in Japan. This note has been transcribed for more than100years,but due to various reasons such as historical circumstances, it was published in2008by Zhonghua Book Company.This paper try to search the The notebook of Zhangtaiyan in Shuowenjieziin the academic innovation, philology contribution, cultural implication andepochal character. The research method of this paper are literature searchapproach, historical research approach and comparative approach.In terms of academic research and innovation, ZhangTaiyan dareunconventional. The notebook of Zhangtaiyan in Shuowenjiezi is based onDuanYucai’s ShuoWenJieZiZhu. But Zhangtaiyan never think DuanYucai isalways right. He through teaching analysis, along with their own understandingto share with students, their irrational, not the right place to be revised, to teachthe students a study philology, linguistics methods. In explaining the process, hepointed out the wrong of DuanYucai more than500pieces. The notes itself has arich cultural connotations, as Xu Shen said "all things we see, all thingscontained", ZhangTaiyan inherited this and promoted it. Using the method ofcut-through, is another creativity, its performance in four areas: First, through the notes in the discussion of ideas and opinions Zhangtaiyan other works; thesecond is through the word and the word to each other between. Zhangtaiyanoften interpret the word is to present a point of view, and then put forward toexplain the same view again another word; Third, through the pronunciation,Pictographs between. This benefit is the ability to convey the continuous,systematic information; four is "to release the cultural word" research methoditself is through performance.The notebook of Zhangtaiyan in Shuowenjiezi has a great meaning ofphilology. Zhangtaiyan from the phonetic method, indicating ancient languagetransfer, indicating homologous word, rolling words, under the guise of the word,ancient word, the word vulgar body, etc., have a positive meaning.In addition, The notebook of Zhangtaiyan in Shuowenjiezi has a profoundcultural significance. Zhangtaiyan support the development of Chinese medicine,importance of medical research, in medical education focused on thedevelopment of Chinese medicine played an invaluable role in the history ofmodern Chinese medicine occupies a very important position. He served aspresident of National School of Medicine, and a large number of medicalwritings,"Zhangtaiyan Word lectures notes," there are33fields of medicine,some direct reference to the medical books, some explanation herbal name,some about TCM Disease. He also made it clear that the process of culturalexplain words so real, such as tea history, Qian said "no hub" of the origin of thestatue of the left and right to say and so humble. Also, look at the "Notes", healso reflects the ancient culture, the natural environment, such as flooding,choose Heights neighbors living habits and conditions of social life.Zhangtaiyan both in terms of scholarship, or their revolutionary ideas areat the forefront of the times, he explained,"Dictionary" in the process, withoutreservation, to the era of information communicated to him to draw up hislecture go, he denied and resistance of the Qing Dynasty imperial rule, demandsthe right to equality and oppose blind worship ancient receptive to new knowledge and new culture, advocating the use of the vernacular in everydaylife. His influence on the resulting disciples, not only that the academic tradition,as Zhou Shuren said "revolution first, learning a second," Zhangtaiyan not onlytheir "doubts" the teacher, the more "preaching" to the disciples, so that theybecome a pioneer era.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhang Taiyan, The notebook of Zhangtaiyan in Shuowenjiezi, culture, innovation
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