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Japan Jodo Schools Research Kamakura Period

Posted on:2016-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X K XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330470461024Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The middle of the sixth Century ad, Buddhism was introduced int o Japan fromChinese, spread and development in Japan, a great influenc e. The early spread of Buddhism in Japan, its main role is to protect t he nation only spread in the town, the nobility. In the Buddhism, the Pu re Land Buddhism by abroad monkscame to Japan, initially only sprea d in the upper society. To the Kamakura period, doctrine and practice su mmary simple Pure Land Sect, opened a new eraof Japanese Buddhis m, marking the spread and development of Buddhism inJapan has entere d a new era.The Kamakura period of the Pure Land Sect, Ephraim is contingent on thepeople’s pure land thought  the representative, because of it s adaptation tothe characteristics of the times and be widely spread. Th ere are two obvious characteristics of law ran master of the pure land t hought, one is not muchresearch on Buddhist knowledge Jie Dinghui o f, but on the basis of rebirth, the Buddha as a process of gradually sim plified, doctrine. Two is not only spread inthe nobility, but mainly in th e face of the ordinary people, in the simple practice of the developmen t of believers. From the law ran to over on people’s pure land thought, h as the obvious characteristics.According to the development of Japanese Buddhism, firstly intro duces the general situation of Buddhism first spread to japan. Then, stu dents from themonk back to the Pure Land Buddhism Classics to speak up, the paper introduces the characteristics of Pure Land Sect Kamakur a period and influence on Japanese history and culture. Moreover, the Pu re Land Sect and jodo Shinshu, Zong doctrine and representative, is base d on the spread and development of Buddhism history of Japan are intr oduced.In this paper, the author also introduces Japanese Buddhism from the Kamakuraperiod more and more simple mode of practice, mainly fro m the law ran master "is known, the Buddha", Shinran person "faith base-d", again on people’s "million lines from several aspects such as the dev elopment of ideas", summarized thepure land of Amitabha belief in japa n. The Buddhism thought that three monksare uniform, are from the Ami tabha the wish "all about the beauty of the buddha.Law ran people belie ve that Buddha is one fundamental; Pro Luan on people believe that th e Buddha first to establish confidence; again on the people think,namo Amitabha Buddha is the name of the best reborn. The three monkspracti ce more and more simple, very ordinary people welcome, spread andpop ular, there are still a great influence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Research
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