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Research On Buddhism Of Sui And Tang Dynasties In Yuncheng Area

Posted on:2016-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330470453350Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of Buddhism in Shanxi was a more prosperousperiod During the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Yuncheng area whichlocated in the south of Shanxi was an important city at spreadingand development of Shanxi Buddhism. The Buddhist in Yunchenghad activities frequently and the temple distributed in every county.The Buddhism had also infiltrated in the life of people and producedprofound influence on the social development in Yuncheng area.The paper is based on Buddhism of Sui and Tang dynasties inShanxi Yuncheng Area as the research view, to make thepreliminary exploration on the regional development of Buddhism.Firstly, the paper made a detailed research on the introduction ofBuddhism in Shanxi Yuncheng area and the whole developmentcondition period during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It tried toelaborate the development of Buddhism’s characteristics andposition in Shanxi Yuncheng area during the Sui and Tang Dynastieson the basis of it. Then, this paper mainly had a table statistics onthe Buddhist and the condition of Temple in Yuncheng area Duringthe Sui and Tang Dynasties. It also had a deeply research on thefamous Buddhist and Temple. These statistics made the papercombined in the whole and part, point and surface. Once more, the paper also made the Buddhism in the big social and cultureenvironment, and used the date of archaeology, stone inscription toinvestigate comprehensively the many influence which it broght tosocial.The development of Buddhism in Shanxi Yuncheng area During theSui and Tang Dynasties had a closely connection with political,economy and culture.The rapid spreading and development of theBuddhism in Shanxi Yuncheng area, established a position in thedevelopment of Buddhism in Shanxi even the whole countryBuddhism. So the development of Buddhism in Shanxi Yunchengarea during the Sui and Tang Dynasties has an importantsignificance in the history of the Chinese Buddhism’s phyloeny.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Sui and Tang Dynasties, Shanxi Yuncheng area, Buddhism
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