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The Research Of Fu Shan’s Huainanzi Commentray

Posted on:2016-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q QinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330470453338Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fu Shan, as one of the famous scholars of Shanxi Province,between Ming dynasty and early Qing dynasty, his electronicsresearch is its most scholars for academic achievement. HuainanziCommentray is one of the Fu Shan’s electronics researchedbooks.The main content is proofreading of Huainanzi, notes, tip.FuShan’s researched exegesis quotes and proves fully, uses the lifeexperience to dredge the methods, notes without restraint of style.Commenting on Huainanzi Commentray for the study on thebehavior of researched ideas has the use of seeing big thingsthrough small ones and any knowledge of Huainanzi is also helpful.This thesis combines the approaches of philology and history ofthought. Commenting on Huainanzi Commentray entry to thefoundational classified comb, through the comments and evaluation,in order to view its characteristic and value. It is more visibleresearched of Fu Shan’s thought.First of all, according to his introduction, poetry and friends,infers the writing time of Huainanzi Commentray. We know that thecompilation time is later than38years old which year the Mingdynasty perishing. At that time, Wang Yangming’s Philosophy ofMind was popular, Fu Shan had been deeply affected by it. He emphasizesd the features of nature, and thought that learningshould not be rigid remembers. From his comments, we could seehis thought essence. First, he appreciated the spontaneously andsincere personality and think that nature can’t change. Second, hecriticized the decadent scholar disadvantages for many times,thought learning should be convenience. Third, he promoted theequality and certain personal interests. Fourth, he praised ZhuGeliang and eagered to restore the Ming dynasty’s politicalambitions. At the same time, from researched notation style, alsocan find the scholastic attitude of textual research.The second, the book has eight hundred eighty-seven comments,Fu Shan textual interpretation phonetic entry is three hundredseventy-five.Though combing annotation entries of HuainanziCommentray, induces the characteristics of the collation. Mainfeatures: Phonetic notation, referencing dialect, refering to theoriginal note and the characteristics of the group of books;Interpretation of the article, leading the schools books and theoriginal book, in accordance with the life experience with thecharacteristics of the note. At the same time, for the reviews,mainly of two parts, one of the features of its original languagestyle of the evaluation, the second is the original meaning of thesaid individual perception. In short, Fu Shan’s commentary putpersonal experience with the annotation of integration, so thatcomment reflects the thinking of the essays.In the end, by comparing the Fu Shan’s Huainanzi Commentrayand Gao You’s comments and lure the posterity like Wang Niansun,Yu Yue, Zhuang Kuiji, Liu Wendian and so on, theirs’ annotation of Huainanzi, revaluates the value of Huainanzi Commentray. First,Huainanzi Commentray makes notes of the comment which isn’tclear; second, others were not thorough annotation of thedepartment, Fu Shan dredged the right eousness; third, there aremany research note Gao place; fourth, Fu Shan have "confused whatis intended" the note to school after the revelation, further detailedexamination. In addition, Huainaizi commentary because of FuShan’s early writings was banned, and then the addition of otherphilosophers endorse the book is lost, couldn’t been a system, justrelying on a single book annotation, it is the reason what caused byother studies Huainanzi scholarly had not attented, it had to be saida pity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fu Shan, Huainanzi Commentray, Characteristics, value
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