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Aesthetics Of Sensation In The Horizon Of Image

Posted on:2016-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467996170Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Susan Sontag, who was known as the’American public conscience’, was honored as the most important female intellectual of West modern times with Simone de Beauvoir and Hannah Arendt.<On Photography> was published on NYRB in1970s, Sontag mainly talked about Aesthetics of surrealism in photography, the relationship between photography and painting in this book. From the perspective of the essence of photography, the image world was also independent and true. Besides, Sontag tried to relax some tension between the literature culture and scientific culture with the help of ’New sensibility’, which implied subverting traditional concept and some old notions, concentrated upon<On style>. But from Gilles Louis Rene Deleuze point of, as the starting point and objective of all forms of the art, most conversation are discussed on sensation, which was the origin and inspiration of<Logique De La Sensation>. The author was focused on deconstruction of contemporary painting to traditional painting on concretization. Meanwhile, as the double status of the senser and the sensered, form and structure was extracted by concretization. This issue was similar with John Berger according to<Ways of Seeing>. In the book, body was the subject of seeing, female was the object of looking, both viewpoint was enable to compare with Photographic Watch on the basis of Sontag, which also closely cooperated with returning experience and feelings to appreciate production. I am tying to combine those three authors and their works to discuss the aesthetics of sensation among image vision according to photography, painting and in a broad sense of image. In the process of making experience itself to one of the way seeing, we could rethink changes and influences to people which were based on aesthetics of sensation.
Keywords/Search Tags:photography, painting, sensibility, aesthetics ofsensation
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