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A Study On The Structure "You(Have)+N" Conveying The Meaning Of Evalution

Posted on:2016-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467994773Subject:Chinese Philology
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The study on the structure “you(have)+N” conveying the meaning ofevalution have been scored some successes: For instance, analyzing on thefeature of “you(have+N)” and the types of noun in this structure withsemantic, syntax and pragmatics; explaining the source of “you(have)+N”structure by “Semantic Slant of Nominal Element” and “The theoty ofConceptual Integration” from the scope of cognitive linguistics;introducing the internal relationship between different structuresthrough comparing with “hen+you(have)+N” structure. This paper studiesthe “you(have)+N” structure to arrange its syntactic and semanticfeatures and the phenomenon of noun decategorization in it. Following withthe related view on the theory of linguistic decategorization and usingthe theoretical framework and relevant concepts of cognitive linguistics,it primarily define the special function and its part of speech of theconstituent “you” in the structure. This article is divided into6partsto resolve “you(have)+N” structure and make some complementary on thecategory of noun decategorization.Chapter one, Introduction. From research subject,research status,topic values,research method, source of corpus and literature review,the Introduction macroscopically show the sketch of research contents andobjective here.Chapter two. N are classified based on the inequality which originatedfrom “you(have)+N” structure’s semantic orientation; As the vehiclecaused conversion between noun’s referential function and declarativefunction,“you” playing a particular role in the structure. By contrasting some “you” word sentences, the view that its degrees ofgrammaticalization appear the differences in these phrasings has beenpointed out. The constituent “you”in “you(have)+N” is falsifiedverbs, the verb predicate reduce, and the noun bonds back with “you”as predicate. This way, it promotes the grammatical function of the noun,the noun as rheme, prominent as telling description statement functionon the subject.Chapter three. In accordance with syntactic, semantic and pragmaticaspects,the grammatical meaning of “you(have)+N” structure has beenorganized. The scholars apply the theory as “the effect of frequency inlanguage use”,“the moderate criterion”,“Polly Anna hypothesis”,“the principle of the poles” to find the cause of lexical semanticdeviation and the the inequality which originated from “you(have)+N”structure’s semantic orientation. We use Lu Jianming’s theory about aharmony in semantic to explain the semantic basis of the inequality. Fromthe perspective of language itself,“you(have)+N” structure show theability to innovate language, its special rhetorical effects and conformto language’s economy principle; From the scope of pragmatics,“you(have)+N” structure often appeared in oral language and artisticlanguage. And there exist a big difference in the arrangement of differentstyle.Chapter four. This section has explored the phenomenon of noundecategorization in “you(have)+N” structure and its constraints camefrom syntax,semantic,pragmatics and cognition. A. The grammatical statusmade by the situation that noun served as predicate and the features ofspatiality sourced from noun’s different syntax positions are thesyntactic condition; B. Becoming non-concept is the semantic base of noundecategorization. The nouns in “you(have)+N” structures lost theirreferential function and become “non-referential nouns”; C. Usually,adjectives are used to describe the features of an object. But sometimes, there’re no suitable adjectives to depict some natures of the objectiveworld or the descriptions are too long with much inaccurate adjectives.Because of the objective need for pragmatic expression,the limitationof economy principle and adequate principle of language, people willalways choose the noun with the nature to express. The semantic derivingpromote the multiplication of grammatical functions. This is thepragmatic basis of noun to possess declarative function. D. Metaphor andmetonymy are human’s cognitive tool and the root of language’s newmeaning. The transformation from noun’s referential function todeclarative function have been achieved by the function of metaphor andmetonymy.Chapter five. Other structures of noun decategorization areintroduced in this section. Noun decategorization related to morphologyinclude: N+N structure, V+N structure, N+V structure; Noundecategorization referred to syntax consist of “比N还N”、”VN1为N2”、“N+了”、” Adverb+NOUN”、 noun reduplication,Nominal adverbialstructure,nouns as predicate construction、nouns as temporaryclassifiers.Chapter six. As the generalizations, it has pointed out the researchconclusion and further improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:the structure “you(have)+N” conveying the meaning of evalution, syntactic function, semantic feature, pragmatic effect, noundecategorization
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