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On The Love Value Of Wan Fang’s Work

Posted on:2015-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467965773Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wan Fang is a female author who devoted to writing novels since1980s, with celebrated products such as The Empty House, A Woman’s Concern, A Paper Restaurant, and so on. The women living in metropolis are the resource of her heroines, with different ages, backgrounds, and various expressions to love. In her books, compared to male characters, females usually attach more importance to emotion in daily life and long for pure love and a desirable marriage.A Paper Restaurant, Happy Faction, The Empty House, A Woman’s Concern, You are the Apple and I am the Pear and Rare Birds and Beasts are all Wan Fang’s famous works. Through these productions, Wan Fang created different urban females with different love values on life and had us have a deeper understanding of love and marriage. She is good at describing common people’s real life, dealing with sentimental plots, with common people as her main characters. She expressed her unique love value based on the Chinese tradition morals and also led readers to think of marriage problems in social transformation period. Wan Fang’s works are in life style, containing profound social significance without imposing her own attitudes to readers. The language is plain to understand, yet suitable for the readers of all varying ages and backgrounds.Here this paper will explore and analyze the works of Wan Fang from different aspects in order to make a deep analysis and discuss the love value expressed in her works. The first chapter is going to give a full analysis to the plots in the loving stories. Her viewpoint on love is coming out in the process. The second part shows the unique artistic style for her novel writing:popular and life style for contents, popularized figures and plain narrative language. The third one is about the multi background and reason for her unique emotion attitude:her life experience, background and time elements, esp. her father Cao Yu’s influence. The fourth part is giving to make deep analysis of the unique meaning and worth on Wan Fang’s love value by comparison with others. At last, I am going to explore and reflect her works on the whole, to give you a new view about Wan Fang.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wan Fang, Female, Viewpoint on love
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