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Study On Double "Le" Construction

Posted on:2016-06-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Q JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467490690Subject:Chinese language text
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Double ’le’ construction" is a common structure in modern spoken Chinese. Referring to construction grammar theory, we called it "construction". In this paper, we analyzed the formation, discourse function, subjectivity and subjective quantity of this construction based on the the study of components and classification. We analyzed and compared "double ’le’ construction" and its similar structure "V ’le’ O" construction and "V O’le’" construction are in order to know and understand the "Double ’le’ construction" more deeply and broadly.This paper is divided into three parts:introduction, body and conclusion.The introduction part introduces the research object of this paper:"double ’le’ construction". First, we make clear the purpose and significance of the topic, and then a brief introduction of the related present domestic and foreign research, the theory and methods as well as the source corpus we used in this paper.The main part includes the second chapter to the sixth chapter. In the second chapter, we divide "double ’le’ construction" into four parts from the aspect of the interpretation and description:verb endings "le", the end of the sentences "le","V" and "O". Among them, verb endings "le" and the end of the sentences "le" are constant components."V" and "O" are variable components. Then, we discussed the grammatical meaning and discourse function of the verb suffix "le" and the end of the sentences "le" in great detail. And we observed the parts of speech and properties of variable components "V" and "O" that can be used in this construction. Finally, we discussed syntactic function of "double ’le’ construction".in the sentence this construction was mainly used as predicate as the indication of the speaker’s mood and subjective tendency and judgment.The third chapter mainly discusses the classification of "double ’le’ construction". The first classification is according to the form of the object. The "double’le’ construction" is divided into quantitative type and non quantitative type. Another classification is according to the difference of the syntax, semantic, pragmatic style within the construction. This construction is divided into the typical "double ’le’ construction" and non-typical "double ’le’ construction". Referring to the second classification, we detailedly introduce the two kinds of special form of this construction:the personal pronoun as object of "double ’le’ construction" and lihe "double ’le’ construction".The fourth chapter mainly discusses the "formation and pragmatic functions of constructional meaning of "double ’le’ construction". The construction including four meanings:(1) the finishing of an action or a state;(2) the situation has changed;(3)the present correlations;(4)subjective judgment. This chapter focuses on the analysis and investigation of subjective judgment meaning of "double ’le’ construction". We concluded that, the end of the sentences "le" played a very important role in the form of subjective judgment meaning of "double ’le’ construction". That is to say, the subjective meaning of "double ’le’ construction" is largely given by the end of the sentences "le". The main pragmatic function of "double ’le’ construction" in sentences is highlight the focus and express the speaker’s subjective judgment and conjecture for a person or things.The fifth chapter discussed "double ’le’ construction" of subjectivity from the perspective of the speaker, emotion and cognition three aspects.we analysis and examines the effects of the structure of subjective factors, such as the verb, verb-object phrases, the emotional modal adverbs of context and others. Finally, the conclusion is that the structure of construction" is a highly subjective measure of structure.The sixth chapter mainly discussed the difference of the"double ’le’ construction" and its similar structure "V’le’O" construction and "VO’le’" construction in the syntactic position and semantic features. And then we focus on the subjectivity difference between the three. Finally, starting from the research object of this paper, we analyzed the freedom looming phenomenon of the dynamic auxiliary "le".We believe that the "double ’le’ construction" has a construction in a very high subjective degree, the construction "V+le+Person Pronoun+le" is in the solidification of the highest degree on the dimensions.
Keywords/Search Tags:double ’le’ construction, constructional meaning, subjectivity, theidiomization
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