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Russian And Chinese Literary Translation Errors:Based On The Analysis Of The Chinese Version Of Vasiliev’s Novel

Posted on:2015-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N K I M S V E T L A N A JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467480373Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There are various forms and types of the translation. One of them is literary translation. Literary translation is different from other types of translation. Its task not only to transfer logical information, but more important is to transfer of aesthetic and image information, it is a very difficult process. The main task of the literary translation is to reach loyalty in meaning, identity in style and similarity in form between original and target languages.Mentioned in this paper the phenomenon of translation errors not only refers to the sense of serious errors, but also refers to the loss of the original style and expression. Using the translation equivalence theory as a guide the author of the thesis classified and analyzed types and causes of the translation errors, by taking Chinese version of Vasiliev’s novels as example. For different error cases put forward corresponding correction and countermeasures, explore the language differences and the influence of the cultural differences on the translation of the original text. The thesis hopes to provide reference materials for teaching Russian as a foreign language and for the further research in the literary translation field.The thesis is divided into four parts, discusses various aspects of the literary translation problems.The first chapter makes an introduction to the thesis, introduces the research background and significance, purpose, theoretical and practical value of the study, and also gives short review on the author of the novels and its Chinese versions.The second chapter underlines translation equivalence theory and literary translation research.The third chapter mainly classifieds and analyzes types and causes of the translation errors on the linguistic level, including lexical and syntactic levels’errors, put forward corresponding correction and countermeasures. In terms of vocabulary and syntax aspects, analyses the translation errors, caused by different reasons such as misunderstanding of the original text or improper expression. Due to language differences in the translation often appear errors, this chapter put forward to modify the original translation by the author of this paper. In translation, target language and native language cannot rich to completely exact equivalence. Therefore, the translator because did not grasp the vocabulary, grammar, rhetoric knowledge misunderstanding, of the original, which all leads to translation errors. The fourth chapter mainly summarized the causes of the linguistic translation errors. This chapter is devided into three sections, the first discusses translation errors caused by language and cultural differences. The second section discusses the influence of the translator’s subjective factors on translation process. The third section put forward corresponding correction and countermeasures to avoid translation errors.The last part comes to the reiteration of the main viewpoints of the thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Translation Equivalence, Literary Translation, Translation Errors, Translation Strategies
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