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On The Realism Of The Language Used In The Illustrations In The Literature

Posted on:2016-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467457389Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Literature illustrator in many categories of illustration is the oldest, and a unique art style inart history at the river had to shine. Realistic Language is the most intuitive to understanding ofthe world closer to people painting expression, through an intuitive image of the show makes iteasier to form in my mind on the things seen in the impression and help people understand thingsand the association. Combined with realistic language and literature illustrator intuitive waypossible to accurately reflect the literary content, to make up for shortcomings and deficienciesof the text. Landscaping books at the same time it can better establish contact readers and literaryworks to improve the reader’s interest in reading, while the self-independence literatureillustration illustrator also demonstrate their artistic features and clever concept provides roomfor this. But this independence is based on the literary works from the basis of the properties here,realistic language of good relations between the two played a coordinating role, we can see thatthe language in the literary realism illustrator authoring application is particularly important.
Keywords/Search Tags:Literature, illustration, Realism, Subordination, Independence, illustrationcreation
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