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The Music Image Of Marcelline In Fidelio

Posted on:2015-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q HanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Beethoven’s work, though affluent in fashion and various in form, contains few opera, among which only one named "Fidelio, Op.72" has passed current on. This opera is the outstanding representative of German opera, known as "a milestone in the German National Opera ".It reflect s Beethoven’s favor to the subject about the social reality and ethics, and shows his outlook on drama and morality. Four Duet (I feel so wonderful) and tenor aria (in the spring of life), soprano aria (come on, hope) have become famous selections. This paper will focus on the second female role named Marcelline, and tries to portray the image of this music shaped by the composer; besides, by taking the aria named "if we have combined" singed by this character in the play as an example and combining with the singing experience and understanding of the author, the paper will talk about some problems and methods of Soprano role of German opera that need attention.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fidelio, "If we have combined", German Aria, Vocal musicsinging, Figure interpretation
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