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Poetic Disobedience

Posted on:2016-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P ZouFull Text:PDF
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From the cult films since birth and bizarre, stiff, obscure and controversial these words are inseparable, a lot of people think that cult film is manufactured, in the name of action. Today, the Rocky Horror Show is a cult film, Lord of the Rings series is also considered cult films, in the middle of the field put may be a cult film, mainstream cinema may also be showing cult films. Confusion of the definition of reflects the cult film research is insufficient, make such a great research value of cultural phenomenon in the ambiguous concept.Cult films in addition to the film itself, but also need to add it shadow behavior caused by fans and cultural viewpoint, this is the complete concept of cult films, it is about a kind of subculture, is out of the mainstream, but can pass way of doing things as a classic movie. Because has close relationship with social culture, cult film studies is fraught with confusion, on the one hand, it is related to time dimension, measure of whether a movie is the cult movie, its standard may change as time changes, at an early age is considered a cult film works, after several years of its existence by mainstream culture subculture foundation after the digestion absorption, whether can be thought of as cult works is still uncertain, and that with the traditional film genre classification method that after the film type is not change over time is different. Some works out of the mainstream at the beginning, but after years of being dug as a cult classic, such as cinemas, "room" at the box office performance is considered by the fans as "movies", was "the worst" name spread years later became a Los Angeles art theaters of permanent works. In addition, with the development of the era, cult film landmark ritualized viewing behavior is changing, so its study is dynamic, and is in constant change. On the other hand, the cult film has close relationship with spatial dimension. Cult that has a lot to do with geography, in a region, a country would be considered cult film is likely to be the mainstream works in another area. It may be because of cultural differences, it is possible that the mainstream culture to small, weak labeled the heterogeneous culture. Such as early Hong Kong martial arts films in the United States is seen as cult films, but in Hong Kong and the mainland is a favorite form of film by the broad masses of the people.Cult film exist on the two dimension variable, make different countries cult film research, there are big differences between a country’s research achievements in this respect may not be used for other regions. Chinese cult film researchers, results, focus on a particular area of cult films is currently blank. This article first to the cult film concept for analysis, the second part analysis represented by South Korea’s two cult master Korean cult, compare it with the last Chinese cult. The author attempts to combine the South Korean cult films, historical and cultural background analysis of China’s film industry diversified development to provide reference and inspiration. Also, on the other hand, by digging deep humanity in south Korean cult films, a glimpse into the storm of the Korean society changes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cult Movie, Korean, Kim Ki-duk, Park Chan Wook
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