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Practice Study Report On Translation Of O’connor’s Short Novels

Posted on:2016-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H HuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the translation practice on American writer Flannery O’Connor’s two short stories-A Good Man Is Hard to Find and The Life You Save May Be Your Own, this report analyses the translation process and summarizes the translation strategies and skills adopted during the process. Examples are taken from the translation practice to analyze the translation process under the guidance of Liu Miqing’s Style Translation Theory. From the perspective of markup language of the characters, the author tries to reproduce the style of O’Connor’s original stories.In the process of translation, the author met difficulties like how to understand the deep meaning of the original stories, how to keep the language style of the original works, and how to deal with the cultural images and cultural differences between two languages. The author used all kinds of solutions, to achieve the exactness, fluency and vitality of the translation, and convey the arts aesthetics and value of the original work to the target reader.This report consists of six parts. First is the introduction, Chapter One is about the writer Mary Flannery O’ Connor and the source text. Chapter Two is the description of the whole process of translation-from the translation preparation, translation conduction to translation revise. Chapter Three first introduces the Style Translation Theory and some translation methods derivated from the theory. Then some examples were taken from the translation to explain the application of the theory in translation. Chapter Four lists the problems the author met in the translation and solutions suggested by the author, for instance, the translation of the characters’ names, difficult words, long and passive sentences. Chapter Five summarize the translation practice, including gain and things the author learned from the process, qualities an excellent translator should have and limitations of the translation and the study.
Keywords/Search Tags:O’Connor, Short stories, Style translation, Translation report
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