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A Translation Project Report Of Picture Or Text First? Explainings Equence Effects When Learning With Pictures And Text

Posted on:2016-11-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This translation report deals withPicture or Text First? Explaining Sequence Effects when Learning with Pictures and Text and the source text is a review article published on the Educational Psychology Review, under the globally famous publication corporation Springer. The author describes in details the facts that influence the learning outcomes such as the presenting sequence of text and pictures, the type of assessed knowledge as well as learners’ characteristics. Finally, it comes to the conclusion that it is not so much the sequence of text and pictures per se that affects learning outcomes than these boundary conditions(i.e., type of assessed knowledge, relative complexity of text, and picture).In general, this report is divided into four parts: Part One is an introduction to the translation report including the background, significance and the overall layouts. Part Two is the preparation of the translation report consisting of the main introduction of the original text, text analysis and some relevant theories. Part Three elaborates the applied theory(communicative translation), the difficulties and methods of translation(reversing and splitting). The author discusses in detail the translation methods of numerous technical terms in regard to education and psychology, as well as the long and complex sentences in specific examples through relevant theoretical guidance. Part Four falls to the conclusion, including inspirations and lessons from the project as well as problems to be solved.
Keywords/Search Tags:learning with picture and text, psychological terms, communicative translation theory, reversing, splitting
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