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The Visual Expression Studies Of Humanity Care In Contemporary Japanese Animated Films

Posted on:2016-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Animated films, as the representation of both culture and art, corresponds to the culture of that time. Animated films and culture interact with each other in the following two ways:Primarily, animated films inevitably integrate and reflect the society, and it also construct and express the social vultures with its exclusive mode of discourse. Apart from that, the overall culture type and the spiritual guidance, on the contrary, have a significant influence, even denaturation, on the movie-creation and expression. Through the comparisons and analysis of the forms of various regions in the world, it’s not difficult to find out that the Japanese animation, with its distinct aesthetic formation, and the oriental humanistic philosophy "introspection", shows a great concern on humanism care and audience experience. While behind the humanism views, it has to be related with its special geographic location, cultural heritage, conventions and the value identification rooted in the collective unconsciousness, etc. And all those elements play an irreplaceable role without consciousness. Furthermore, in the trans-cultural audience acceptance, Japanese animation, a visual expression based on the humanism care, is able to identify and resonate with the cross-cultural condition, which calls for deep thought. Thus, the above two issues are the purpose of this thesis. The introduction states the causes and study methods and compares the diversities of American and Japanese animation and it draws the conclusion that Japanese cartoon contains more humanism care. Chapter One analyses the relationship between Japanese cartoon and its cultural development from the views of ecological environment and culture. It also explains the Japanese psychological features such as anxiety, loneliness, depression and uncertainty under its specific natural environment, society, culture and history background. Animation, as a social practice, not only reveals and reflects those social problems, but also becomes an emotional release as well as an escape from the society. It implements the social function as humanism care and comfort subconsciously. Chapter Two is the essence of the thesis. It emphasizes on the analysis of the visual expressions and how it influences the painting styles, color representation, mise-en-scene, vision rhythms and so on. Chapter Three focuses on the deconstruction of typical cases of animated films with humanism care from the aspects of narrative construction, narrative views, value hypotheses, etc. Chapter Four discusses the text analysis on humanism care in Japanese animation from the point of audience acceptance, with the support of mirror-image relation and text expectation theories.
Keywords/Search Tags:Japanese animated films, humanism concern, mental comforts
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