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The Historic Prose In Cao Wei Dynasty

Posted on:2016-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461489920Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Weilue, Dianlue, Weishu,Xiandi Living Note,Xiandi Biography,Xiandi Ji,Bingyuan Biography,Huatuo Biography,Guanlu Biography are the typical specimen of the historic prose in Cao Wei Dynasty.The above nine works had already been missed,but we still can find some paragraphs and sentences of them in the notes of Sanguo Zhi,the notes of Houhan Shu,the notes of Shishuo Xinyu,Chuxue Ji,Yiwen Leiju,Taiping Yulan,and so on.The author of Weilue is Yuhuan, who was a Langzhong in Wei Dynasty. The beginning and end of Weilue is from Huangchu to Ganlu. This book had been lost in Wudai or Bei Song Dynasty and Zhang Pengyi in Qing Dynasty had discovered some part of it. This book created lots of wonderful characters. Their names were Cao Cao,Cao Pi,Cao Zhi,Cao Zhang, Cao Rui, Cao Shuang, Huan Fan, Wang Ling, Linghu Yu, Shan Gu, Zhuge Kongming. There were still seven Confucian scholars, four virtuous and upright men and two women in this book. The writing style of this book is interesting and Weilue is also sucessful in historiography.Dianlue was another work worte by Yu Huan, it was sucessful in not only literature but also historiography. The Weishu worte by Wang Shen was not so good. Three kinds of biographies about Han Xiandi and three kinds of unofficial biographies all had their own features. Xiandi Ji and Xiandi Zhuan were two different books, not the same books.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cao Wei Dynasty, Historic prose, Weilue, Weishu
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