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Marx’s Religious Thoughts And Its Contemporary Enlightenment

Posted on:2016-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461476292Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper looks at the evolution of Marx’s thoughts as a clue and thinks of the works of Marx as a benchmark and analysis its text.By which we can pump out Marx’s elaboration about religious and integrate these ideas.The main purpose of these works is to form relatively complete Marx’s thoughts on religion. This paper mainly has four parts.The first part is about the realistic condition and theoretical sources when Marx’s religious thoughts forms. The emergence and development of any kinds of theories are built on the basis of previous studies, and affected by social background at that time. They can’t be created without any reasons.So Marx’s religious thoughts is also the product of the times and this chapter mainly introduces the background and the main source of Marx’s religious thoughts.The second part is mainly about the development of Marx’s religious thoughts. In Marx’s adolescence, Marx has a special attachment for religion and believe that God exists. After University, Marx’s religious thoughts has changed from the deism to the idealism atheism, but in this period Marx’s religious ideas was still not free of Hegel’s idealism.Therefore, Marx’s atheism religious ideas was not completely.At last,through the study and criticism of religion, Marx formed his religious views and a complete system of religious thought.The third part is the main content of Marx’s religious thoughts,including the methods of understanding relign, the development law of religion, the essence of religion, the role of religion in society and the proletarian party’s attitude towards the religion. Marx believed that why religionemerges has its social reasons and relign has its own development law.The ultimate end-result of religion is dying,but we can’t use the compulsory means to eliminate religion. In order to form a relatively complete Marx’s religious thoughts,this part mainly summarise the discourse on religion from Marx’s classics.The fourth part mainly says the contemporary enlightenment of Marx’s religious thoughts.,which means the reality of religion’s existence and the possibility that relign dies out.The reasons why relign still exists are the prominent social contradictory, the limitation of people’s understanding,the humanistic value of religion itself and a kind of channel to release emotions.In addition, today’s society gives more respection to people’s value, which makes human’s essence and value in supremacy instead of god and makes human beings feel their own value in society.It means people’s social status and value has been improved, and false god will gradually be forgotten by people,and the religion also will gradually die out.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, religious thought, enlightenment
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