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On “xiang Thinking Mode” In The TCM Prescriptions Translation

Posted on:2016-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y HuangFull Text:PDF
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The word “Xiang” roughly means “image” or “imagery”. In traditional Chinese philosophy, it refers to the external form and the inner essence of a thing. The record of this concept can be traced back to the book “Zhouyi”, also named “The Book of Changes”. As the essence of this book, “Xiang” in Zhouyi stems from “Guayao Xiang”. In its later development, the concept of “Xiang” is enriched by such idea as pictograph, phonogram, self-being graph and ideograph and gradually generates quite a few theoretical forms such as “Wu Xiang(form of object)”, “Yi Xiang” and “Xiang-thinking” etc.Xiang-based thinking mode is a thinking mode in which the essence of the cognitive world is revealed with intuitive perceptual images or symbols by analogy, metaphor or symbolizing. As a leading thinking mode in Chinese culture, it is also an important way of thinking in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM). And most TCM theories are formed on the basis of Xiang thinking mode. However, despite the gratifying achievements made in TCM translation, a dominating fashion advocating the western translation theories prevails in domestic translation circles. Xiang thinking, a thinking mode embodying TCM essence, has been neglected and marginalized for a long time, resulting in an embarrassing situation in which the translation of TCM text is westernized to some extent. Therefore, citing the English version of one Chinese classical masterpiece, “A Dream of Red Mansions”, as a major example, this thesis makes a tentative discussion on the unparalleled strength of Xiang thinking and the practice of TCM prescription translation in the light of Xiang thinking in terms of case analysis and literature analysis etc.Xiang thinking is a poetic thinking featuring originality and embodiment. The book “Zhouyi” manifested this thinking style in “Guanwuquxiang” and “Xiangyijinyi” which means “people should get the image of the object from close observation and establish the imagery or Xiang of it to completely reveal the object”. Therefore, in order to reach the exact recognition of TCM text, Xiang thinking advocates the penetration into the text beyond the words to explore the implied meaning under Xiang and initiate a new explanation way to pursue the meaning beyond Xiang. Whether in transliteration, literal translation or free translation, Xiang can be vividly revealed through analogy, metaphor and symbolization in terms of pictograph, phonogram or ideograph. By comparing the oriental Xiang thinking with the Western Cognitive Metaphorical thinking, it is further justified that Western translation theories also pay attention to Xiang conveyance and Xiang-thinking enjoys universality in both Chinese and Western learning.As the root of Chinese culture and philosophy, Xiang and Xiang thinking are characterized by holistic experience and intuitive speculation. They are supplementary to the conceptual thinking stressing logical analysis. The study of Xiang thinking and the application of it in TCM translation are expected not only to make a tentative attempt in reconsidering translation as the transformation of Xiang in essence rather than only the conversion of language and culture but also to carry forward the spirit of the original wisdom of the oriental culture to the world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xiang, Xiang Thinking Mode, TCM Formulae and Prescriptions, English Translation
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