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An Exploration Of Qian Mu’s Thoughts On Harmonious Integration Of Chinese Culture

Posted on:2016-06-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461454599Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Qian Mu, as a great master in Chinese circle and also so called “the last official” in China, built the culture-philosophy system on his own. He preferred to study Chinese culture with the philosophical thought and the historical vision, insisting on the belief that Chinese people should show sympathy and respect for Chinese history. In that way, people could be inspired to respect Chinese history and culture so as to spread Chinese culture.First, this thesis discussed the historical and social background information of Qian’s thoughts of Chinese culture, and then introduced Qian’s social environment, his life experience and its influence to Qian’s ideas. Then it discussed Qian’s understanding of harmonious integration of Chinese culture and its development from the perspectives of geographical condition, climatic factor, national integration and nation formation. Taking Chinese National Traits and Culture from Chinese History as an example, it analyzed the similarities and differences between Chinese culture and western culture and concluded the characteristics of Qian’s harmonious integration of Chinese culture by comparison of the characters, ideology, behaviors and cultural structure of Chinese and westerners. According to An Introduction to Chinese Cultural History by Qian Mu, it summarized the presentation of harmonious integration in Qian’s views on Chinese culture with the development of politics, economics, religion, ideology, literature and art by reviewing Chinese history. Through the analysis and study of Qian’s article, it can be obtain that without the different of the two cultures, and it just has different ratio of harmonious. In that way, people could be inspired to respect Chinese history and culture so as to spread Chinese culture. In the end, through studying Qian’s ideas of harmonious integration of Chinese culture, it explored how to inherit and develop Chinese culture and discover contemporary value of Chinese culture.Qian devoted himself to study ancient Chinese thoughts and culture, aiming to discover an d promote the nature and spirit of Chinese culture so as to advocate national traits, understand, develop and renew Chinese culture and explore the unique values of Chinese culture. Thus, we should accurately understand and evaluate Qian’s culture-philosophy thoughts as reference and guidance to renew the Chinese traditional culture, strengthen the construction of socialist core v alues and build scientific cultural view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qian Mu, Chinese Culture, Harmonious Integration
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